We know you’ve heard this before, but we’ll say it again – stretching is important for our health and for preventing injuries and we all need to do it more often. Stretching isn’t just for people who are athletes, runners, and people who do yoga. When it comes to maintaining joint and muscle health – it’s important for everyone to stretch. Here are a few reasons why:

Stretching Increases Your Flexibility and Mobility

Stretching regularly will lengthen your muscles, which improves your body's overall flexibility and will allow your body to move more freely. Many people often overlook the connection that exists between injuries and a poor range of motion or a lack of flexibility. Simply put, if you want to put yourself in a position to avoid back pain or other common injuries, you need to stretch more.

Stretching Improves Your Posture

When muscles tighten up, the alignment of your spine will eventually start to suffer. It’s common for your body to have a tight muscle on one side of your body but not the other, thus causing postural imbalance. Over time, poor posture can result in people suffering from a number of different injuries so it’s important to work out those tight muscles before things get worse.

Stretching Reduces Stress

Taking the time to stretch and breathe every day is a fantastic way to reset and reduce stress. Pain in your neck, shoulders, and back can also be caused by tense muscles that are the direct result of stress. So, if you’re starting to feel a bit burnt out, start a stretching routine and stick to it.

Stretching Keeps You Feeling Young

Did you know that as we begin to age, our muscles can get shorter and tighter? If you’re not making stretching part of your daily routine, you’re not taking proper care of your aging body. Increasing your flexibility, range of motion, and stress levels will lead to overall improvements in your health.



Dr. Marcus

Dr. Marcus

Chiropractic Physician

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