
Chiropractor In Lebanon, IL

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Needing a Chiropractor In Lebanon, IL?

Are you searching for a chiropractor in Lebanon, IL? At Alvarado Healthcare, we understand that living with chronic pain can overshadow life’s joys. Our mission is to enhance your health and well-being in a warm, welcoming environment. We’re not just about adjustments; we’re committed to a comprehensive approach that nurtures mental, physical, and emotional health. By choosing us, you’re joining a family dedicated to your wellness. Experience care that aligns with our motto, “Family Friendly Care,” and take the first step toward a pain-free life!

Suffering from any of the following?

We can help you!

  • Back Pain
  • Neck Pain
  • Auto Accident Victims
  • Headaches and Migraines
  • Whiplash
  • Hip Pain
  • Ankle Pain
  • Tendinitis
  • Shin Splints
  • Neck or Back pain with radiating symptoms
  • Sciatica
  • Postural Pain
  • Joint Problems

Chiropractic: A Profession, Not Just a Treatment. Lebanon, IL

Chiropractors are qualified medical professionals with specialized training to address a wide array of common health issues. They utilize a variety of treatments, such as joint manipulation, physical therapy techniques, patient education, manual therapy, nutritional guidance, and rehabilitation exercises, tailoring their approach to each individual patient’s unique needs.

As chronic pain continues to escalate within the US healthcare landscape, chiropractors implement proven strategies to alleviate pain and disability, often without resorting to medications or surgery. Here are a few reasons individuals might opt to see a chiropractor.

Chiropractors get amazing results for anyone struggling with chronic back pain in Lebanon, IL

Many individuals associate chiropractors primarily with low back pain (LBP), and this connection is well-founded. LBP poses a significant challenge to our society, ranking among the leading causes of disability and healthcare costs. Joint dysfunction in the lower back serves as the primary risk factor for the development and advancement of low back degeneration. Fortunately, chiropractors provide evidence-based treatments for these joints through spinal manipulation, exercise, and tailored patient education. 

Most patients experience reduced pain after their initial appointment.

Neck pain is the second most prevalent reason patients visit a chiropractor here in Lebanon, IL.

Alterations in daily routines, postural stressors, and workstation ergonomics are frequently recognized as key contributors to neck stiffness or discomfort.

If neck stiffness remains unaddressed, individuals may face joint restrictions and diminished range of motion. Chiropractic spinal manipulation stands out for its unparalleled effectiveness and safety in treating these forms of neck pain. When combined with exercise and postural retraining, manipulation often provides rapid symptom relief.

A chiropractor will spend time with you to get to know your unique pain presentation.

You deserve a reprieve from chronic pain.

They will inquire about your symptoms, perform a physical examination, and may request imaging to fully understand your condition. Your pain is multifaceted, affecting various aspects of your life—and your treatment plan should reflect that complexity.

A chiropractor can skillfully design a care plan that addresses all the postures, activities, hobbies, and stresses contributing to your ongoing pain.

Headaches impact almost half of the population.

15-25% of headaches originate from the cervical spine.

Effective management of headache patients necessitates a comprehensive approach, with spinal manipulation serving as a cornerstone of a pain management plan. Numerous studies have demonstrated the efficacy of spinal manipulation in addressing these types of headaches. (3-5)

A recent study published in The Spine Journal discovered that spinal manipulation reduces the frequency of symptomatic headache days by 50%, with the number of treatments correlating linearly with the level of improvement. (4) Chiropractors are well-equipped to swiftly identify the headache type and the most appropriate treatment strategy.

Chiropractors Can Help You Avoid Long-Term Opioid Dependence

Opioid prescriptions are generally linked to one main factor—acute pain.

Most acute pain arises from musculoskeletal issues, commonly known as mechanical neck and back pain. Unfortunately, mechanical pain typically does not respond well to chemical interventions like opioids.

This ineffective strategy often results in reduced effectiveness and ongoing reliance. Opioid dependence, understanding, and addiction frequently begin after an acute event such as a dental procedure, surgery, or injury. Over 25% of chronic use stems from post-operative or injury-related discomfort. Here’s how chiropractors are addressing the opioid crisis:

Take the first step towards a pain free life.

Contact us today and request an appointment.

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